Help urban youths
their inner
Treasure Arts, Inc is a non-profit community outreach for youth
Students who participate in the arts work and play well with others.
The arts enhance our senses, attention, understanding, emotions, and physicality.
The arts promote self-esteem, motivation, cultural exposure, social harmony and appreciation of diversity.
Our mission is to help youth discover their inner passions.
Treasure Arts, Inc is a 501(C)(3) Compliant community outreach for youth. Through exposure to and participation in various artistic and literary endeavors our youth are better able to see the possibilities of making a positive impact on their world.
Our Philosophy
Education in the arts is a vital part of the development of each child. Studies have shown that Arts Education, education in the music, dance, theatre, and the visual arts, is a key component in improving learning throughout all academic areas. The Arts cannot be learned effectively through occasional or random exposure any more than math or science can. The arts enhance the process of learning. They nourish our senses, attention, understanding, emotions, and physicality. They are the driving forces behind all other learning. (Jensen, 2001).
Students who participate in the arts generally do better in academics.
The Fine Arts also provide students with benefits such as promoting self-esteem, motivation, aesthetic awareness, cultural exposure, creativity, improved emotional expression, as well as social harmony and appreciation of diversity. Students who participate in the arts work and play well with others.
We believe that the practice of working in a group, cooperating with fellow artists, sharing a stage, and collaborating with others to solve problems will contribute to the reduction of negatives in life. Anger and violence and bullying will all be reduced.
We want to give young people the opportunity to participate in the Fine Arts regardless of their economic position. We want all children to have the advantage of expressing themselves through the arts.
Our Initiatives
At-Home Libraries
Our children have experienced one of the most challenging academic years in recent history. Covid-19 has made it impossible for many to attend school consistently and the public libraries have been closed.
Consequently, many of our children did not hold a book in their hands for over a year. The At-Home Library Initiative is an attempt to give children a print-rich at-home environment. “Findings published in the journal Social Science Research show that raising a child in a home filled with books positively impacts her future academic growth and job attainment. Specifically, as Pacific Standard reported, the study found that when it comes to standardized tests, “Regardless of how many books the family already has, each addition to the home library helps children do better. A book-filled home encourages a culture of reading for enjoyment and talking about books.”
We are seeking donations to our At-Home Library Initiative. A $50.00 donation will provide a boxed set of books (approximately 6-7 books) for children to have in their homes. We will provide a library book box to hold the books. We will identify where the books can make the biggest impact around the city.
Young Authors’ Conference
Treasure Arts, Inc collaborates with other non-profit and for-profit organizations to identify young authors in the community. We are looking to publish young authors in second through twelfth grades. Students bring their manuscripts. They will spend the day at the Young Authors’ Conference in the following activities:
- Sharing their stories
- Speaking with and learning from published authors
- Speaking with illustrators
- Learning the publishing process
- Doing brain-storming activities for their next book
Completed stories will get a chance to win a publishing contract that includes 50 copies of their book.
Your donation can cover the cost of registration for Young Authors.
616 6th Street West
Birmingham, Alabama 35204
(205) 356-3931
Treasure Arts
Performance Arts
We bring our team to schools, churches, and civic organizations to create the most delightful experiences for youths. We assist small and large organizations who struggle to get participation from their children and teens by providing everything needed for a successful stage experience including costumes, music, choreography, casting, acting basics, dance, and music training. We create beautiful memories and very often uncover hidden talents. We have alumni who have gone on to careers in the performing arts.
Opera by Us- High School Stage Performances
High School students are introduced to musical theater. They participate in group (ballet, theater, music) classes for one-two semesters after school The students write and choreograph their own musical. They participate in a stage performance at their school.
Middle School Theater
Middle School Students are introduced to musical theater. They participate in group (ballet, theater, music) classes for one-two semesters during or after school. They participate in a stage performance.
Dance- A- Story
Students in kindergarten-fifth grades participate in a musical based on a popular children’s story. They participate in group (ballet, theater, music) classes for one-two semesters during or after school. They participate in a stage performance held at their school.

Rita Collins
Executive Director/Choreographer

Chloe Farmer
Assistant Director/ Set Design

Olivia McGaha
Musical Theater Director

Vernessa Barnes
Grants Coordinator